"I mean...it's not unheard of," T'Pren reasoned with a touch of hope in her voice. "For a Captain to dine with one of his staff." She tilted her head as she came up with a counter argument. "But we wouldn't be able to really talk, would we."
After a moment's thought, she gave Rai a coy smile, her back to the door. "I'm technically off duty already. I'll grab one for us." And then a thought occurred to her and her face fell, turning a guilty green.
"You should know," she confessed, lowering her voice, "that Tal'Ara asked me today if there was something going on. I...I think I threw her off? It's so hard to tell with her. But I told her the truth. I just...omitted parts of it. I told her that sometimes telepaths need other telepaths as an anchor."